Why Are We Afraid to Talk About Mistakes?

September 01 , 2016

WHEN I WAS 14, I MARCHED INTO THE HOUSE WITH MY REPORT CARD, TOSSED IT IN FRONT OF MY DAD, AND WAITED FOR HIM TO GASP AT THE PERFECT GRADE COLUMN: A, A, A, A, A, A, A. But after a silent speed read, my dad glanced up and said: "Hey! Kit, this is great! But maybe next semester, let yourself get a C...

Filed Under: Career Advice, expectations, Insights, Mistakes, Professional Women, Women Leaders

5 Things No One Will Tell You At Your First Job

August 29 , 2016

It’s your first job. It’s hard not to be excited. There is so much to learn and a lot of it will be told to you directly but there will be so many important lessons you won’t even realize your absorbing until later. But here is a jumpstart on some of the things no one is telling you at your first...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Career path, First Job, Your Career

Your Community Holds the Key to Career Success

August 01 , 2016

You’ve landed your dream job. You volunteer for assignments, sign up for committees, join colleagues for happy hour. You’ve got that networking thing nailed. Right?

Filed Under: Networking, networking, new skills, Career Advice, career success, community, Volunteering, Women Leaders, your career

Career Tip For Millennials: Be Clear, Concise And Compelling

July 25 , 2016

It is hard to be clear. It is hard to be concise. It is hard to be compelling. It is really hard to be all three at the same time! For that important presentation, however, mastering the art of being all three is essential to creating passionate support from your audience. It is the difference...

Filed Under: Best Advice, career advancement, Career Advice, communication, Millennials, millennials, presenting, your career

How to Convincingly Fake Confidence, Happiness, etc. in the Workplace

February 25 , 2016

We fake it in meetings. We fake it over email. We fake it when we’re envious of someone else’s success. We fake it in the elevator when we ask Kyle if he has any weekend plans. The professional world’s a stage, and we’re all actors pretending to care about how Kyle spends his free time.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Career Advice, Communication, how to, Strategy

Why do Employers Expect More of Entry-Level Employees than Ever Before?

February 08 , 2016

When Grinnell College senior Ham Serunjogi began his first internship at an environmental technology accelerator in 2013, he was shocked by how much was expected of him in his first days on the job, and how little school had prepared him for entering the workforce.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Communication, Hiring, hiring, Societal Shifts

5 Phrases That Can Ruin Your Reputation with Your Boss

January 25 , 2016

If you want to get ahead at work, there are certain things you should steer clear of saying in the office. Even if what you’re saying is true (and everyone knows it!). Every time you want to lash out at an irritating manager or co-worker, take a breath and watch your words. Finding productive ways...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Communication, communication, focus, Strategy, professional development, relationships, Success, success

Don't Get Fired for Honest Mistakes

December 28 , 2015

There are so many things that can get good, hard-working people fired. Honest mistakes often carry hard-hitting consequences.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Decision Making, decision making

10 Ways to Become a More Confident Person

December 21 , 2015

With confidence, the world just seems like a better place, a sunny day where anything is possible. Without it, the darkness slowly creeps in and your mood begins to decline.

Filed Under: Attitude, Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Confidence, Good Habits, Strategy, Quick Tips, quick tips, Success

Sorry: Work Stress is Just as Bad for You as Secondhand Smoke

December 17 , 2015

It's far from breaking news that stress is bad for you, but new research from the Harvard Business School and Stanford University has outed exactly how damaging it can be to your body and mind, and it's not pretty: Workplace stress is just as harmful to your health as secondhand smoke.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, stress, professional development, Quick Tips, Stress, Time Management, Work-Life Balance, worry