How to Ace Your Phone Interview

January 08 , 2019

Hiring managers are more often opting to start the interview process over the phone in interest of saving time and resources. Some even choose to hire a candidate based solely on a phone screen. Although efficient, these interviews can sometimes put a candidate at a disadvantage because they don’t...

Filed Under: ambition, Best Advice, Career Advice, Communication, Confidence, Efficiency, Focus, Goals, Good Habits, Hiring, how to, Interviews, job market, Persistence, Personality, Productivity, Professional Development, Quick Tips, Success, Thought Leadership, Your Career

How to Convincingly Fake Confidence, Happiness, etc. in the Workplace

February 25 , 2016

We fake it in meetings. We fake it over email. We fake it when we’re envious of someone else’s success. We fake it in the elevator when we ask Kyle if he has any weekend plans. The professional world’s a stage, and we’re all actors pretending to care about how Kyle spends his free time.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Career Advice, Communication, how to, Strategy

How To Make To-Do Lists Better, Faster, And More Fun

February 22 , 2016

It's the oldest, simplest, yet probably still the most effective method for making sure you get everything done: the humble to-do list. But is there a way to get more out of your daily check list? We asked the experts: How can we make our to-do lists better, how can we streamline them to get things...

Filed Under: Efficiency, efficiency, Good Habits, how to, Productivity, productivity, Time Management, to-do list

How to Get Rid of Interview Anxiety

January 28 , 2016

We all know job interviews are nerve-wracking experiences. We try to put our best foot forward, but when we get nervous, we often have a difficult time articulating our thoughts and may show such physical signs of stress as sweating or shaking. Here's how to get your nerves under control.

Filed Under: anxiety, Confidence, how to, Interviews, interviews, Job Search