How to Ace Your Phone Interview

January 08 , 2019

Hiring managers are more often opting to start the interview process over the phone in interest of saving time and resources. Some even choose to hire a candidate based solely on a phone screen. Although efficient, these interviews can sometimes put a candidate at a disadvantage because they don’t...

Filed Under: ambition, Best Advice, Career Advice, Communication, Confidence, Efficiency, Focus, Goals, Good Habits, Hiring, how to, Interviews, job market, Persistence, Personality, Productivity, Professional Development, Quick Tips, Success, Thought Leadership, Your Career

6 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Career for Fall

September 21 , 2018

A long, relaxing summer can leave you feeling like you’re ready to hit the ground running this fall. Consider pausing for a moment and thinking about what you want for the rest of 2018, plus what you think it’ll take for you to make it happen.

Filed Under: autumn, Career Advice, career preparation, fall, fall career advice, first day of fall, Goals, Strategy, prepare for fall, Professional Development, Your Career

Lloyd Solomon Featured in Real Estate REality Check Podcast

September 14 , 2018

Lloyd Solomon, Managing Director of Solomon Page, was recently interviewed by Larry Haber in his podcast Leasing REality: Real Estate REality Check.

Filed Under: ambition, Career Advice, Company News, Insights, Interviews, Leasing Reality, Leasing Reality podcast, Lloyd Solomon, podcast, Professional Development, Real Estate Reality Check, Real Estate Reality Check podcast, Solomon Page, Success, Thought Leadership

5 Things You Deserve From Your Job (No Matter Where You Work)

August 27 , 2018

I have news for you: There’s no such thing as a perfect job. Even the careers that seem like they jumped straight from your dreams and into reality have their downsides—that’s why there’s a paycheck involved.

Filed Under: Career Advice, career happiness, company culture, corporate culture, Professional Development, Respect, Success, work happiness, Work-Life Balance, Your Career

3 Times It Makes Sense to Take a Career Risk

August 08 , 2018

In most situations, it makes sense to play it safe. Don’t cross the street without looking both ways, and never drive a car without wearing a seat belt. Both of those things make sense because there’s no upside to making the dangerous choice.

Filed Under: Career Advice, career change, career risk, career switch, Decision Making, Goals, Job Search, job search, Professional Development

7 Tips to Rebrand Yourself for an Industry Switch

July 26 , 2018

Ready for a career change, but worried you don’t have the experience or skills to land a job in your desired field? Filling your resume with your previous work experience that has no similarity to the job you’re applying for is likely to land your resume in the trash can. But that doesn’t mean...

Filed Under: Branding, branding, career, Career Advice, career change, career switch, Confidence, Goals, industry change, industry switch, job market, Job Search, personal brand, Professional Development, Your Career

Market Insights Report: Job Satisfaction and Salary Analysis

April 10 , 2018

The Solomon Page Market Insights Report: 2018 Job Satisfaction Survey and Salary Analysis is now available for download. Get your copy here.

Filed Under: Career Advice, company culture, job market, Strategy, Research, salary survey, Thought Leadership, workplace trends

15 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

May 04 , 2017

Success doesn't crop up overnight. All self-made millionaires had to start somewhere.

Filed Under: ambition, Career Advice, Goals, good habits, inspiration, self-made, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, Success

Wagner College Q&A with Gregg Gavioli

April 07 , 2017

Wagner College invited Gregg Gavioli, Managing Director of the Accounting & Finance division at Solomon Page, to speak to their top 5% of business students, known as "Selects," at a round table event. The discussion covered the job market, networking, and the finance industry and provided upcoming...

Filed Under: Career Advice, entry level, Hiring, Interviewing, Job Search, job search, post grad, Professional Development, Q&A

4 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Job (And 2 Signs It’s Not)

September 08 , 2016

The working world isn’t the same as it used to be. With millennials changing jobs four times in their first decade out of college, according to a recent study by LinkedIn, we’re a long way away from the time where people stayed at the same company from first day to last.

Filed Under: Career Advice, career change, Decision Making, decision making, decisions decisions, Reflection, your career