What Type of Job Hopper Are You?

December 14 , 2015

I confess: I'm a job-hopper. Just a glance at my resume gives it away... one year each at my first two jobs, five years at my third job, 20 months at my fourth job, one year at my fifth job, three-and-a-half years at my sixth job... I could go on, but you get the picture. I am on my ninth job in 15...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Goals, insights, inspiration, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, your career

3 Power Plays Millennials Can Use to Avoid an Epic Career Fail

December 10 , 2015

This is an email I got from a Millennial client this week:

Filed Under: ambition, Career Advice, focus, Goals, goals, Millennials, millennials, Strategy, Professional Development, success

11 Ways to Get What You Want Out of Your Review

December 03 , 2015

Second only to the interview that landed you the job, performance reviews with your boss can be rife with trepidation. You're going to be evaluated, asked to give your own critique, and more than likely, this is your shot to discuss a raise and/or promotion. Yikes. But as daunting as these topics...

Filed Under: ambition, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Confidence, end of year review, goals, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development

Build A Network: 5 Tips For Small Talk With Senior Colleagues

November 23 , 2015

Connecting with colleagues at work is among the best things you can do to improve your effectiveness in the workplace. And while it’s easy to lean over to Amy in the next cubicle and ask her how her weekend went, when it comes to a more senior colleague in the corner office, the idea of starting a...

Filed Under: Networking, networking, Branding, career advancement, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Confidence, Relationships

How to Blow Your Boss' Mind

November 02 , 2015

We all want to get ahead. Still, even when it seems you’re doing everything right—you’re never late to work, rarely take a sick day, and always meet deadlines—promotions can be few and far between.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Good Habits, good habits, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, success

30 CEOs Reveal the Daily Habits Responsible for Their Success

October 29 , 2015

Look at any CEO running a profitable company and you’ll find someone who has figured a few things out. One trait many of these leaders have in common: consistency. Check out these quotes from 30 successful CEOs regarding the daily habits that help them get ahead in business and life.

Filed Under: Attitude, Career Advice, Good Habits, inspiration, Inspiration, Leadership, quick tips, Self Reflection, Success, success

6 Common Myths Holding You Back at Work

October 19 , 2015

Have you fallen prey to “the way we’ve always done it” at work? Did you know, though, that some of the most common business beliefs are being shattered by new research on how our minds and emotions function?

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, Quick Tips, quick tips, Success, success

7 Challenges Successful People Overcome

October 15 , 2015

It’s truly fascinating how successful people approach problems. Where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.

Filed Under: Attitude, branding, Career Advice, Decision Making, decision making, Good Habits, good habits, Happiness, Professional Development, Success, success

6 Ways to Reduce the Stress of Presenting

October 12 , 2015

In the past 30 years, I’ve given more than 3,000 speeches to audiences across the world. Presentations have been such a central part of my work that many who know me best have been surprised to learn how much anxiety they used to cause me. After my fourth root canal, my dentist pointed out that I...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Communication, communication, Good Habits, good habits, presentation, Professional Development, professional development, Stress, stress management

How to Dress Like a Leader in Any Work Environment

October 05 , 2015

There was once a time when every professional, no matter his or her industry, put on a suit each morning.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Career Advice, good habits, Leadership, professional development, professional dress, Quick Tips, work attire