17 Email Etiquette Rules

June 23 , 2016

US employees spend, on average, about a quarter of the workweek combing through hundreds of emails.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Communication, communication, Email, Email Etiquette, Good Habits, good habits, professional development, quick tips

How to Convincingly Fake Confidence, Happiness, etc. in the Workplace

February 25 , 2016

We fake it in meetings. We fake it over email. We fake it when we’re envious of someone else’s success. We fake it in the elevator when we ask Kyle if he has any weekend plans. The professional world’s a stage, and we’re all actors pretending to care about how Kyle spends his free time.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Career Advice, Communication, how to, Strategy

Why do Employers Expect More of Entry-Level Employees than Ever Before?

February 08 , 2016

When Grinnell College senior Ham Serunjogi began his first internship at an environmental technology accelerator in 2013, he was shocked by how much was expected of him in his first days on the job, and how little school had prepared him for entering the workforce.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Communication, Hiring, hiring, Societal Shifts

10 Reasons Why Your Feedback Falls on Deaf Ears

February 04 , 2016

Leadership is about developing people, and that includes giving difficult feedback to employees about their performance. Leaders who see corrective feedback as a partnership with their employees and an opportunity to encourage their growth and development reap great rewards in employee engagement...

Filed Under: Communication, communication, Feedback, Leadership, professional development, Relationships

5 Phrases That Can Ruin Your Reputation with Your Boss

January 25 , 2016

If you want to get ahead at work, there are certain things you should steer clear of saying in the office. Even if what you’re saying is true (and everyone knows it!). Every time you want to lash out at an irritating manager or co-worker, take a breath and watch your words. Finding productive ways...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Communication, communication, focus, Strategy, professional development, relationships, Success, success

7 Tips to Improve Your Memory

January 21 , 2016

Answer before you have an answer

Filed Under: Cognitive Ability, cognitive ability, Communication, Focus, focus, good habits, memory, Strategy, Psychology

10 Job Interview Questions You Should Ask

January 07 , 2016

Many job seekers focus so hard on answering interview questions well that they forget something very important: You are there to ask questions, too.

Filed Under: Communication, communication, Confidence, Interviews, interviews, Strategy, quick tips

5 Remarkably Powerful Phrases That Will Help You Get What You Want

January 04 , 2016

Would you like to be better at getting what you want from your employees, co-workers, customers, bosses, kids, and partner or spouse? Sometimes a change in wording is all you need.

Filed Under: Attitude, Communication, communication, Confidence, Good Habits, Strategy, Psychology

Don't Get Fired for Honest Mistakes

December 28 , 2015

There are so many things that can get good, hard-working people fired. Honest mistakes often carry hard-hitting consequences.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Decision Making, decision making

11 Ways to Get What You Want Out of Your Review

December 03 , 2015

Second only to the interview that landed you the job, performance reviews with your boss can be rife with trepidation. You're going to be evaluated, asked to give your own critique, and more than likely, this is your shot to discuss a raise and/or promotion. Yikes. But as daunting as these topics...

Filed Under: ambition, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Confidence, end of year review, goals, Strategy, Professional Development, professional development