“Stay healthy!” 6 Rules for Email and Work Chat Etiquette in the Age of COVID-19

March 26 , 2020

By Myka Meier

Photo Credit: Christina@wocintechchat.com/Unsplash; Chillibibi/Pixabay; Deans_Icons/Pixabay

The etiquette expert who recently partnered with the likes of Facebook Messenger explains how best to communicate virtually as we all make this transition during the coronavirus crisis.

Filed Under: Communication, Email Etiquette

17 Email Etiquette Rules

June 23 , 2016

US employees spend, on average, about a quarter of the workweek combing through hundreds of emails.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, Communication, communication, Email, Email Etiquette, Good Habits, good habits, professional development, quick tips