Six Ways to Find Work-Life Balance During the Holidays

December 22 , 2014

December has arrived, and while I love this time of year, it always feels chaotic. November through early January are my busiest times of the year.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Holidays, Strategy, Work-Life Balance

How NOT to Introduce Yourself

December 15 , 2014

Networking is one of the most challenging skills you may have to learn in the world of business. It can be an awkward experience, having the attention of a group of strangers focused on you, and trying to make a good first impression.

Filed Under: Branding, branding, Career Advice, Professional Development, professional development, Skills, skills

4 Reasons Successful Entrepreneurs Need Executive Assistants

December 08 , 2014

As an entrepreneur, you put a great deal of thought in surrounding yourself with talented and dynamic people who add to the success of your business endeavors. The abilities and contributions of your team often determine the overall outcome of your project. Yet there is one position often...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Professional Development, professional development, Success, success

Why You Should Listen, Even If Others Don't

November 17 , 2014

The odds are very good that the last person to whom you spoke barely heard anything you said. Don't take it personally - most people just don't listen.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Communication, communication, Good Habits, good habits, Skills, skills

How To Be More Organized At Work

November 06 , 2014

Organization is a pain, but the simple truth of the matter is organized people get more done. Why? Generally speaking, they have better time management, live with less mess and get in less trouble. If you want to decrease the mistakes you make and stop getting in your own way the only real option...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Strategy, Productivity, productivity, Quick Tips, quick tips

Self-Promotion: The Key to Getting Ahead

October 16 , 2014

People love their causes…those things you believe in so strongly that you’ll passionately advocate for them. My heartfelt cause is my son, who has autism. When he was growing up, I'd move mountains to get him the best treatment and care possible. I wouldn't think twice to ask for an appointment, a...

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Branding, branding, Career Advice, Your Career, your career

Can You Be Ambitious AND A Team Player?

October 06 , 2014

Any manager or chief executive will tell you that the key to success in business is the people you have working for you. I have said before that ambitious firms will look to attract like-minded individuals, and if you have people like this on your staff then your business will benefit.

Filed Under: ambition, Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, teams

Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself: 4 Mistakes to Avoid at Work

September 25 , 2014

In the world we live in today – family, work and school may only be among the few things that occupy our minds on a daily basis. From the moment we wake up in the morning down to the last second before going to sleep, it is not uncommon for our actively thinking minds to never catch a break....

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Branding, branding, Career Advice, Self Reflection

Why Being TOO Humble Is A Bad Thing

September 18 , 2014

No one likes a show-off. Arrogance can push people away and make it difficult for others to like you. Having confidence is important to have, but being cocky can definitely get beneath people's skin.

Filed Under: Attitude, Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Personality, personality

Three Ways to Turn Your Ideas into Action

September 11 , 2014

The difference between a great idea and a spectacular innovation can be summarized in one word: action. Unless you take action to implement your ideas, they are little more than wasted potential. To help you turn your ideas into action, here are three simple but proven principles:

Filed Under: Career Advice, Good Habits, good habits, ideas, Productivity, productivity