4 Ways to Improve Corporate Financial Analysis

April 20 , 2015

As demand for Financial Planning & Analysis’s (FP&A’s) services has increased in recent years, teams are having to work ever harder on analytical projects just to maintain a significant influence on business decisions.

Filed Under: Accountancy, accountancy, Finance and Banking, Strategy, Quick Tips, quick tips

Recruiting Better Talent With Brain Games And Big Data

March 02 , 2015

The job interview hasn't changed much over the years. There are the resumes, the face-to-face meetings, the callbacks — and the agonizing wait, as employers decide based on a hunch about who's best suited for the job.

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Big Data, big data, Strategy, Recruiting & Hiring, recruiting & hiring

3 Ways to Keep Your Workload From Crushing You

January 12 , 2015

Feeling overwhelmed and overloaded at work? Here's how to take back your time.

So much for 9 to 5. The average full-time salaried employee is now putting in nearly 10 hours a day, according to a recent Gallup poll (up slightly from a weekly average of 47 hours in 2007). Even grimmer: 25% say...

Filed Under: Strategy, Productivity, productivity, Success, success, Time Management

Six Ways to Find Work-Life Balance During the Holidays

December 22 , 2014

December has arrived, and while I love this time of year, it always feels chaotic. November through early January are my busiest times of the year.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Holidays, Strategy, Work-Life Balance

How To Be More Organized At Work

November 06 , 2014

Organization is a pain, but the simple truth of the matter is organized people get more done. Why? Generally speaking, they have better time management, live with less mess and get in less trouble. If you want to decrease the mistakes you make and stop getting in your own way the only real option...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Strategy, Productivity, productivity, Quick Tips, quick tips

Are You A Creative Thinker?

October 27 , 2014

We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution– Bill Hicks

Filed Under: creativity, Strategy, Personality, personality, Self Reflection

5 Simple Exercises to Break your Patterns

October 13 , 2014

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. This wonderful quote of Leon C. Megginson is still so relevant in our fast changing world. That's why it's important for you to break your routines once...

Filed Under: Strategy, Psychology, psychology, Quick Tips, quick tips, Your Career, your career

Alright Stop. Collaborate and Listen.

September 15 , 2014

Perhaps the best advice one can glean from a Vanilla Ice song are the words of this article's title... Leaders today, more than ever before, must be willing to regularly stop what they're doing and be collaborative. Far too often leaders assume that the direction they set is the best (or only) path...

Filed Under: Strategy, Quick Tips, quick tips, Success, success, Your Career, your career

Not All Advice is Good Advice

August 14 , 2014

What to do when you don't like the advice you have been given.

Filed Under: Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, Quick Tips, quick tips. rational thought, Rational Thought

These 4 Words Really Matter To Your Business Strategy

April 28 , 2014

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Remember that? Chances are one of your parents taught it to you to help you deal with someone who wasn’t being nice to you. The problem is, though, that it’s wrong.

Filed Under: Strategy, Professional Development, professional development, Social Impact, Your Career, your career