No More Worry and Stress: Five Effective Strategies

June 25 , 2015

In my last month’s blog, I spoke about happiness and challenged you to take the “happiness challenge.” One of the biggest obstacles to happiness is stress and worry. We all have some stress and worry in our lives. Some stress and worry can be helpful in our daily functioning. However, when stress...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Strategy, stress, Stress, worry

20 Things Your Boss Will Love To Hear and Why

June 15 , 2015

Looking to make a good impression with a new boss or improve your relationship with your current manager? Try adding a few of these powerful phrases into your conversations. You can easily improve your standing with your boss without being insincere or being thought a brown-noser.

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Career Advice, Good Habits, good habits, Quick Tips, Rational Thought, rational thought

Why Culture Matters More Than Goals

June 08 , 2015

What's the culture of your organization? Is it an environment where things get done on time, every time? Or are deadlines more flexible? Do you believe in having fun, or is it more serious?

Filed Under: Career Advice, company culture, Goals, goals, Insights, insights

How Your Facial Expressions at Work Can Hurt Your Career

June 01 , 2015

What’s the first thing you notice about a person? It’s generally their facial expression. And when you meet someone for the first time, you’re likely to remember if they greeted you with a big grin or a disappointing sulk. First impressions do matter, and your facial expressions can affect how...

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Career Advice, Personality, personality, Quick Tips, quick tips

Think Grammar Doesn't Matter? It Could Be Holding You Back From a Promotion

May 28 , 2015

Many people think that once they leave school, they don't need to worry about grammar. In the real world, most people will just figure out what you mean ... right?

Filed Under: Career Advice, Cognitive Ability, cognitive ability, Feedback, Insights, insights, Uncategorized

5 Ways to Lead in Challenging Times

May 25 , 2015

What do leaders do when their stock price has dropped 75 percent and it's their job to get it back up? What should leaders think when the thrilling vision they had for the future has been clouded by economic uncertainty? How do leaders get inspired when their employees are dejected, worried, and...

Filed Under: Career Advice, inspiration, Inspiration, Leadership, Your Career, your career

Modern Etiquette: Proper Protocol When Leaving a Job

May 07 , 2015

(Reuters) - According to a fall 2014 report from the U.S. Department of Labor, more American workers are on the move than ever before.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Good Habits, good habits, Quick Tips, quick tips

5 Tips for Working Smarter, Not Harder

April 27 , 2015

Regardless of our background, location, or profession, there is one language that is the same, and that language is the language of progress.

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Career Advice, Efficiency, efficiency, Strategy

7 Sentences You Shouldn't Say to Your Boss - EVER

April 16 , 2015

There are certain things all bosses dread to hear. “I lost the account,” “There’s a big mistake,” and “I think the building is on fire,” would all qualify, but I’m talking about sentences that may seem innocuous to you, but can be a big deal to your boss.

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Insights, insights, Office Politics, office politics

7 Things You Must Do Before You Say 'I Quit!'

April 13 , 2015

Feeling trapped in your career is a lot like being trapped in a bad relationship. You've invested in countless years of training and climbing the corporate ladder only to leave you wondering, "How can I possibly get out now?"

Filed Under: Best Advice, best advice, Career Advice, Decision Making, decision making, Your Career, your career