5 Ways to Lead in Challenging Times

What do leaders do when their stock price has dropped 75 percent and it's their job to get it back up? What should leaders think when the thrilling vision they had for the future has been clouded by economic uncertainty? How do leaders get inspired when their employees are dejected, worried, and distracted--and let's face it, on some level so are they?

Wait--don't answer that. You can't.

Because no matter how much you know about leadership, regardless of what the research says or what best practice implies, there's only one way to find the right answers to these questions. Leaders need to find them for themselves.

In a time of unprecedented challenge, leaders don't just need to lead their companies. They also need to lead themselves. They need strategies for improving their effectiveness while sustaining a sense of professional well-being. Every one of us has an internal source of strength and stability. Without care and consideration these renewable resources are seriously at risk.

In order to survive and thrive, leaders can't just go about business as usual. Business isn't "usual" anymore. It's undergoing a seismic shift. Leaders need to get their footing in a shaky reality and learn to embrace the possibilities ahead.

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