Is someone watching me? (probably)

July 07 , 2014

Would you approach your job at a fast food restaurant the same way you would at a Fortune 500 company? You should, because in both roles, you never know who might be watching how you're doing your job and how important their impression of you will be to your career. I’ve worked in some valuable...

Filed Under: Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Decision Making, decision making, Good Habits, good habits

10 Simple Things Productive People Do Better (And So Can You)

June 30 , 2014

Productive people appear to have the ability to do it all, but that’s only an appearance. The truth is they’ve figured out some important lifestyle habits, that while simple, most of us have not yet mastered.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Efficiency, efficiency, Good Habits, good habits, Productivity, productivity

10 Habits That Can Lead to Success

June 16 , 2014

Success doesn’t come by accident. It comes from consistent hard work in pursuit of a dream. It comes from a passion that drives you, day and night. And it also comes from constantly and diligently employing some key habits that position you for greatness.

Filed Under: Good Habits, good habits, Persistence, persistence, Professional Development, professional development, Success, success

Five Things Every Leader Should Do

June 09 , 2014

I was recently asked what I saw as major focus areas for leaders. There are many things a leader needs to balance, but here are a few key things that they should always keep front of mind.

Filed Under: Good Habits, good habits, inspiration, Inspiration, Leadership, Your Career, your career

Seven Ways To Sharpen Your Memory

May 12 , 2014

We often talk about our ability to remember in terms of its being good or bad: “I have a mind like a sieve,” “He has a photographic memory,” “She works hard, but she just can’t retain what she's learned."

Filed Under: Cognitive Ability, cognitive ability, Focus, focus, Good Habits, good habits, Skills, skills

Three Tips for Engaging Elevator Conversations

April 24 , 2014

Conversations in elevators can be some of the most uncomfortable and awkward examples of human communication.

Filed Under: Communication, communication, Confidence, Good Habits, good habits, Quick Tips, quick tips

Change from the Inside Out

March 24 , 2014

Is change coming at you from the outside in, or the inside out? My experience in working with top leaders from business, government and education on five different continents is that the majority of change comes to us from the outside in. For example, when a new law is passed, we have to make...

Filed Under: Career Advice, Good Habits, good habits, Personality, personality, Social Impact

There's No Getting Around It: Communication Counts

March 20 , 2014

No matter who you talk to or what you read, at the heart of every major issue lies the same problem. As the prison warden in Cool Hand Luke said so well, " What we've got here is ... failure to communicate."

Filed Under: Communication, communication, Good Habits, good habits, Insights, insights, Skills, skills

What it Really Takes to Succeed

March 06 , 2014

The modern marketplace demands that people possess a wide range of skills. But what core qualities are truly essential to career advancement, regardless of industry or job?

Filed Under: Goals, goals, Good Habits, good habits, Insights, insights, Skills, skills

Success with a Moral Compass

March 03 , 2014

Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. You will never see success without hard work, determination and the ability to make tough decisions. Sometimes you have to be ruthless for the sake of the company, your employees and, of course, yourself.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Decision Making, decision making, Good Habits, good habits, Success, success