How to Know You're the Right Person for the Job - and Convince Others

Being certain that you’re the right person for the job is as important for you as it is for the person potentially hiring or promoting you. It may be you’re going for a senior position or you may be just starting out in your career. You might be seeking an internal promotion, a transfer across the business, a new external role, or working with a staffing firm. In all circumstances, we need to be able to decipher if we’re the right person for the job. And then if we believe the answer is yes, to be able to convince the decision makers to come to the same conclusion.

Here are five ways we can know and convince others we’re the right person.

1. The job seems too hard. Whenever you have a choice, don’t go for a role that you can already do. Go for one that will be a stretch and force you to develop.

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