8 Things to Do During Your First Month at a New Job

Congratulations, you’ve landed your first full-time job after graduation.

Now comes the hard.

College graduates’ first month on job sets the tone of their career, according to experts, which means they need to be proactive and put their best foot forward.

“It’s about the approach you take to your job — none of these are tasks, but attributes that you take on,” says Lynda Fraser, vice president of Human Resources Contract Division at Solomon Page Group. “It’s your behavior that will determine, ultimately, how successful you are.”

Setting and executing goals is key to career success at any level, but it’s particularly helpful for new workers.

“Don’t wait to shine,” says Nicole Williams, LinkedIn’s career expert. “As soon as you become a new hire, look for every opportunity to become ingrained in the company DNA. You’ll stand out as a star right away, and first impressions are so important.”

Don’t worry too much if mistakes happen at the start, just be sure to rectify the situation quickly. “There’s a bit of latitude and people do expect new hires to stumble in the first month — these can become teaching moments for the manager and the new employee,” says Mike Steinerd, director of sales recruiting at career website Indeed.com.

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