It's that time of year again.
While picking out a crazy costume for that late night weekend party may be your thing, what do you wear to that office party on Wednesday? Before you get too deep into a Google hole, TheStreet rounded up 20 easy, work-appropriate Halloween costumes that you can probably scrounge up from what you already own.
Dressing up for that office party doesn't need to spook you - we've got you covered. Whether you prefer going as your favorite character from a TV show, or only have time for something basic, there are plenty of costume options that won't scare your coworkers (and, that just might earn you some creativity points with your boss).
So, what are office-appropriate Halloween costumes anyway? Basically, the PG-version of what you might wear after-hours. Plus, being able to use some pieces from your regular work wardrobe means these costumes are super easy, so there isn't an excuse to not dress up.
Impress your coworkers with these costumes for both men and women.
Costumes for Women
There are a lot of ways to transform a blouse or button-down. Or, if you're feeling something more creative, going the extra mile will surely put you in the running for your office costume contest.
1. Joan Holloway From 'Mad Men'
Surely nothing comes to mind quite like "Mad Men" when you think office costumes. With that classic '60s flair, Joan Holloway is the perfect retro office costume to show off to your coworkers. While there are a variety of outfits you could pick to resemble the AMC character, try pairing a form-fitting sweater with a high-waisted pencil skirt, heels, and maybe a ginger wig. Add some red lips and, of course, be ready to saunter around the office.
2. Jackie O.
Nothing says classy Halloween costume quite like Jackie O. The effortless First Lady had a flair for style - and so can you. You can do a quick search on Amazon for a Jackie O costume (most will set you back around $20 to $30), or get creative with what you already have in the way of pencil skirts and chic blazers. Of course, make sure to include her signature sunglasses and pearls.
3. 'The Shining' Twins
Got a best friend in the office? It's time to coordinate. Pick out a grey or blue dress, add a ribbon (and a little bit of ghoul-ish makeup) and go as the twins from "The Shining." You'll have your coworkers seeing double all day.
4. Mary Poppins
No better way to use that white blouse work blouse than going as everyone's favorite nanny - Mary Poppins! Add a black or grey A-line or circle skirt, a blazer, hat and parasol and you're ready to go. Or, if that sounds like too much work, just pick one up here. You'll still have to work on that British accent though...
5. Monopoly Man
Shake it up and go as board games' favorite gentleman, the Monopoly Man! Get your best power suit on and snag a mustache while you're at it (and don't forget to carry a bag of money and cane).
6. Holly Golightly
What better way to use that black work dress you have than dress it up, Audrey Hepburn style? Simply add a pair of heels, a pearl necklace, and do your hair up in a '60s bun for the perfect Holly Golightly costume from "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Feel free to accessorize with a croissant in case you get hungry at your desk.
7. Rosie the Riveter
Need a super easy costume fast? Don't sweat it. If you've got a red bandanna and blue button-down handy, you've got a costume. Simply add a red lip and your best bicep flex and you're magically Rosie the Riveter. Easy.
8. Pam from 'The Office'
Not all of us are fans of dressing up for Halloween. So, if you want to get away with the bare minimum, going as Pam Beasley from "The Office" is the perfect easy costume that is sure to get a laugh from your coworkers. Simply dig out a plain grey pencil skirt, button-down sweater, and get your hair all frizzy, and voila! You've got a no-fuss costume from everyone's favorite workplace comedy.
9. Witch
Why not go with a classic Halloween costume? Grab a witch hat and cape from Party City and you're good to go.
10. Mia Wallace from 'Pulp Fiction'
Be ready to dance like Uma Thurman if you dress up as Mia Wallace from "Pulp Fiction." All you need is a white button-down blouse, some black slacks, and, of course, the signature black bob wig (maybe skip the blood for daytime in the office, but a little red lipstick or paint will do nicely for after-hours).
Costumes for Men
For the men in the office, there are a lot of ways to wear a suit as a Halloween costume. But, if you're feeling a bit more creative, try out something a little more adventurous like Michael Jackson or Where's Waldo. Regardless of what you're feeling, here are some easy, office-appropriate costume ideas.
1. Dwight Schrute from 'The Office'
Why not go as everyone's favorite bears, beets and "Battlestar Galactica" fan? Dwight Schrute from "The Office" is a pretty easy task - just get a mustard or yellow short-sleeve button-down shirt, slacks, and some clear glasses and you're good to go. Throw in a briefcase and maybe that old tie hiding in your closet and you'll have your coworkers laughing all day.
2. Where's Waldo?
Feel like hiding from your coworkers sometimes? Now you can, guilt-free. Simply pick up a "Where's Waldo?" t-shirt has one for $14.99) and a hat (find one at Walmart for $8.99), and you're good to go.
3. Superman
4. Patrick Bateman
If you work on Wall Street (or even if you don't), nothing is scarier than a deranged businessman. Put on your best "American Psycho" persona and don a suit, a raincoat and an ax for the perfect Patrick Bateman costume. You can snag the raincoat on Amazon for only $10.99 - although you might want to leave the ax at home.
5. Michael Jackson in 'Thriller'
Even though "Thriller" may get overplayed during the Halloween holiday season, your costume can still be original. If you're in a DIY mood, try to get a red motorcycle jacket, some slacks, and a frizzy, black wig. But, if that's too much of a hassle, opt for a Thriller costume. As a note: you might need to practice your best moves if you are planning on going as the King of Pop.
This article was originally published by TheStreet. You can read the rest of the article here.