In lieu of creating more stress than the holiday season already brings, we can remind ourselves that not hitting every single milestone in the upcoming year will not mean that we’ve failed. This is an ongoing journey, there is a time and a place for everything, and we don’t have to compact it all into the year ahead.
Putting unnecessary pressure on our goals or resolutions will only perpetuate the cycle of over-achieving, stressing out over achieving, and judgement or disappointment if and when we’re not achieving.
This ferocious and unfortunately common cycle – especially in the Western world – can create dis-ease in mind and body, leading to the plethora of physical and mental health issues many of us face today.
Never fear, for – if we choose it – we have the opportunity to reflect in ways that may help us rewire our unhealthy habits; to help us get clear on our overall intentions based on how we want to feel in the long run instead of pushing ourselves to uphold often unattainable resolutions within the time span of 365 days.
Take a few of these mindful tips for how to best align with your intentions; to prepare your mind and body for the new year and beyond:
Get into the present moment
- Check in with yourself right now. How are you feeling in this moment?
- Reflect on the year – ups and downs, highs and lows. What have you learned, and how do you want to move forward from here?
- What’s working well, and what did you do that made you feel great?
- What would you like to improve, and what did you do that made you feel not so great?
Set intentions without guilt
- How do you ultimately want to feel in 2021, and in life in general?
- What actions and habits might you be able to add or shed that will help you feel that way; that can help to pave the way to ameliorate your overall wellbeing?
- Loosen the grip and the expectations you set for yourself, keep the intention in mind, and do your best to let yourself be guided by that intention to how you ultimately want to feel – step by step, without rush or pressure.
May we all celebrate where we’ve been – even if it’s challenging to find the silver linings of 2020 – and where we have yet to go, whether or not our goals are realized in the next year.
How will you set attainable intentions moving forward – releasing the habits that no longer serve you and receiving the ones that do – without unreasonable expectations?
Here’s to aligning with your intentions throughout 2021 and beyond!