Women.NYC Launches to Help Women Succeed

May 21 , 2018

In New York City, women earn about 89 cents on the dollar compared to men, and out of the 55 Fortune 500 companies in the five boroughs, only one has a female CEO.

Filed Under: job market, Professional Development, Professional Women, Social Impact, Technology, Women Leaders

April 2018 Jobs Report Shows Promising Market for Jobseekers

May 11 , 2018

The U.S. Department of Labor released statistics about the current job market on May 4th. The results pointed to a more promising situation for jobseekers than in recent months or years. Some highlights are as follows:

Filed Under: Economy, job market, Job Statistics

Market Insights Report: Job Satisfaction and Salary Analysis

April 10 , 2018

The Solomon Page Market Insights Report: 2018 Job Satisfaction Survey and Salary Analysis is now available for download. Get your copy here.

Filed Under: Career Advice, company culture, job market, Strategy, Research, salary survey, Thought Leadership, workplace trends