4 Really Dumb Ways to Make Decisions That Derail Your Success

September 14 , 2015

Whether in business or in life, we all tend to have different perceptions of, or biases about, the people and circumstances around us.

Filed Under: Career Advice, Cognitive Ability, Decision Making, decision making, Good Habits, good habits, Professional Development, Psychology, success

The 5 Best Ways to Say 'No' to Your Coworkers

August 20 , 2015

You have to say ‘yes’ to a lot of things throughout your day. You answer emails and questions, get roped into mandatory meetings, and need to pick up projects at the last minute in order to meet company deadlines. In some cases, you won’t have a choice about those new tasks that get added to your...

Filed Under: Attitude, Behavior in the Workplace, behavior in the workplace, Career Advice, Communication, communication, Office Politics, professional development, Psychology, relationships

5 Simple Exercises to Break your Patterns

October 13 , 2014

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. This wonderful quote of Leon C. Megginson is still so relevant in our fast changing world. That's why it's important for you to break your routines once...

Filed Under: Strategy, Psychology, psychology, Quick Tips, quick tips, Your Career, your career

Are You A Hill-Finder Or A Hill-Taker?

January 30 , 2014

It's always exciting to hire someone who's talented and a good culture fit. But in my experience, it's easy to conflate that exciting person person's skill (and, importantly, passion) in planning and strategizing with his or her ability to execute an established mission. Especially from just a...

Filed Under: Cognitive Ability, cognitive ability, Insights, insights, Personality, personality, Psychology, psychology