What Makes a Good Marketer and Why You Need One

May 10 , 2017

WHAT MAKES A GOOD MARKETER AND WHY YOU NEED ONE An Exclusive Interview with Hedge Fund Executives

Filed Under: asset management, Finance and Banking, financial services, investor relations, marketing, q2, Thought Leadership

10 Top Trends Driving The Future Of Marketing

June 22 , 2015

Marketers are constantly looking into the future, trying to predict the next big trend, be it for their brands or their clients. Naturally, marketers are preoccupied with questions like: What is the next big campaign? How can we turn our client into the “next big thing”? What is the next hot trend...

Filed Under: creativity, innovation, Innovation, marketing, trends

V12 Group Identifies Top 5 Trends Driving Marketing Efforts in 2015

March 30 , 2015

Predictions for the New Year always carry lofty expectations, but despite what we were led to believe by Back to the Future Part II, 2015 does not hold the promise of a hover board for every child, flying cars, nor self-drying clothing. It does, however, promise the next era in marketing, one where...

Filed Under: Best Advice, Insights, insights best advice marketing trends, marketing, trends