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20 Things Your Boss Will Love To Hear and Why

Written by csnyder | Jun 15, 2015 10:04:03 AM

Looking to make a good impression with a new boss or improve your relationship with your current manager? Try adding a few of these powerful phrases into your conversations. You can easily improve your standing with your boss without being insincere or being thought a brown-noser.

  1. How can I help?
    This is probably the number one thing managers like to hear. (The opposite would be, “That’s not my job.”) It shows you’re a team player and willing to pitch in, even outside your specific job duties.
  2. Not a problem.
    When your manager asks you to do something, be positive about it. Make her feel confident that you’ll address the task without her having to micromanage
  3. I’d like to learn more.
    Indicating to your boss that you’re interested in things outside your area of expertise is a great way to show that you’re serious about moving up in the company or your career. It shows ambition and even an understanding of your own shortcomings, which is appealing when you’re willing to address them.


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